Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Eau Claire Launches Own Investigation - UPDATE

In a previous blog post I briefly mentioned how UWEC will be conducting its own investigation into Todd Hoffner, regarding his time spent as the Blugold's head football coach from 1999 - 2005. Last month Hoffner was charged with two counts of child pornography after three videos of his children were found on his work cellphone.

It's recently been reported that Teresa O'Halloran, assistant to the chancellor for affirmative action at UWEC, found no evidence of child pornography during her probe. The university interviewed supervisors, athletes, co-workers and others whom Hoffner was in contact with during his time at Eau Claire.The same was reported when Minnesota's investigation came up empty when searching through Hoffner's personal computers at his home.

It has been well known that Hoffner's wife and attorney publicly rejected all charges against Todd. Calling the charges ridiculous and saying the videos simply captured the family's children being "silly". Hoffner remains on leave pending the Minnesota State University, Mankato, investigation.

Although no "child" pornography was discovered, MSU did ascertain a video of a nude adult male jumping off a boat in their search

With the lack of evidence, it appears that the case is leaning towards Hoffner being just irresponsible rather than guilty of a felony. The only thing he might be guilty of it is being stupid on what he stores on his work phone, IMHO.

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